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EfCCNa Fellows

The Honorary Fellowship Awards are given to members, that have been an engaged part of EfCCNa and which all have, each in their own way, through their roles and assignments contributed to the growth and development of EfCCNa.

2025     Anne Kokko, Finland and Drago Satosek, Slovenia

2019     Bronagh Blackwood, Northern Ireland and Irene Harth, Germany

2017     Evanthia Georgiou, Cyprus and Eva Barkestad, Sweden

2015     Rosa Thorsteinsdottir, Iceland

2013     Lerma Hernandez, Belgium & Daniel Benlahouès, France

2011     Heike Strunk, Germany, John Albarran, Great Britain & Elio Drigo, Italy

2008     Jos Latour, The Netherlands, Birte Baktoft, Denmark, Wouter de Graaf, The Netherlands & Paul Fulbroock, Australia

2025 Anne Kokko, Finland

Anne is awarded for her outstanding collaboration and contribution to the development of EfCCNa in her positions as Treasurer and Vice-president.

2025 Drago Satosek, Slovenia

Drago is awarded for his longlasting dedication to EfCCNa, especially his valuable contribution as EfCCNa Treasurer – and of course, as the man with the camera.

2019 - Bronagh Blackwood

Bronagh has been Council Member representing the BACCN from 2003 and she has held the post of Vice President for eight years (2006-14). Since 2014 she is in the position of EfCCNa President. Some examples of her contribution for EfCCNa: She has drawn up the EfCCNa Strategy for 2020 document; she established the Critical Care Doctoral European Nurses (CC-DEN) group; she has chaired several Scientific Committees for EfCCNa Congresses. Her driving force in all EfCCNa projects etc. is huge. She is a born leader.

2019 Irene Harth, Germany

Irene has been Council Member representing the European Society of Paediatric & Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) from 2009. Since then she has actively been available for EfCCNa purposes. She has been, and still is, a reliable team player in all projects
she has been taken part of. Irene is chair of promotion group and editor of the newsletter.
She has taken part in the Erasmus+ project MICE-ICU.
EfCCNa website and social media accounts would not look like this without her contributions. She is passionate about her work as a paediatric critical care nurse. Her heart is pure gold.

2017 Eva Barkestad, Sweden

Eva has presented work of EfCCNa at a number of congresses worldwide including Croatia and Serbia. Most notably Eva has led two successful EfCCNa congresses (Valencia and Belfast). Her dedication and commitment to this role has been outstanding. She has made herself available at all hours to manage these congresses & all times has been inclusive of the views of others. Eva works diligently in critical care education in Sweden. She has undertaken number of projects that were designated to further advance care of the critically ill patient. She has presented evidence from her teaching at congresses worldwide thereby demonstrating practice improvement through education. Eva has served on the EfCCNa Board as a member with a remit for congress organization since 2011 & has served for 2 terms. Her contribution to the strategy of EfCCNa has been exemplary.

2017 Evanthia Georgiou, Cyprus

Evanthia was a major player at the education committee. During her participation the competency tool was developed and she took also part in the
presentation of the tool at the congress in Belgrade. Without the knowledge of her it would have been difficult to get such a result. Evanthia was part if the leader of several studies and research projects on national and international level. Evanthia implemented the first special education programme for critical care nurses on a university level in Cyprus and was leader of that programme. Part of the programme was based on the EfCCNa competency tool. 

2015 Rosa Thorsteinsdottir, Iceland

Rosa was presented with the Fellow Award at the 6th EfCCNa Congress in Valencia for her valuable services in the promotion of EfCCNa and Critical Care Nursing in Europe. Rosa was a founding member of EfCCNa and she served on the Council as representative of Iceland and later in the board of officers as Vice-president and President. Over the years, Rosa has been a great leader and has always been a source of wisdom and most of all of - fun! Although we will miss her continuous presence, Rosa will continue to contribute to EfCCNa on the Congress Committee.

2013 Lerma Hernandez, Belgium

Lerma has been a constant force within EfCCNa. She has provided leadership and guidance in matters, particularly those related to audit and risk management of the finances. She was always keen to participate and engage in meetings - providing a voice on behalf of the Belgian Association and she very much enjoys to laugh and is also sensitive to the needs of others in the EfCCNa family. 

2013 Daniel Benlahouès, France

Daniel is passionate about his work in critical care and he demonstrates this through leadership not only in his work locally in France, but nationally in driving forward critical care nursing and internationally in his contribution to EfCCNa. He and his French association SFISI, were the first to host our EfCCNa congress in Paris, in 2002.

2011 Heike Strunk, Germany

Heike is the pioneer of EfCCNa and has been instrumental in developing the constitution, the roles and the responsibilities of members and has been the secretary of EfCCNa from the very beginning.

2011 Elio Drigo, Italy

Elio has since the very beginning helped EfCCNa grow and be strong both in relation to education and clinical practice.

2011 John Albarran, UK

John has been chair of the Research and Development committee from the very beginning and is responsible for driving forward critical care nursing research in Europe.

2009 Birte Baktoft, Denmark

She is a founding member of EfCCNa and was the Danish representative from 1997 – 2007. Birte was the chair of the Education committee from 2000 – 2007. During this time a survey of critical care nursing education in Europe was carried out with a following of a position statement on post registration critical care nursing education in Europe. Birte is an innovator, proactive and a team player. She is a hard worker and devoted to all projects she takes on or participates in. She is now a member of the research team of the E-LINK study.

2008 Jos Latour, The Netherlands

He is a founding member of EfCCNa and has been the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, ESPNIC representative from 1997 –
2005. Chair of the congress committee since 2004 which resulted in two international successful congresses. Jos is a leader, effective and productive.
He is a good strategic, inspirational and has a great sense of humor. He has got tremendous energy, is proactive and a successful negotiator. He has participated in several projects, including Position Statements on Family Presence Witness Resuscitation.

2008 Wouter de Graaf, The Netherlands

Wouter was the Dutch representative since 2001; treasurer since 2002 – 2005; first President of EfCCNa from 2005 – 2008. Wouter is a leader; he is innovative, supporting, encouraging and capable to development and improvement. He is an enabler and facilitator. His major goal was to push EfCCNa forward. To reach this goal, he recognized that EfCCNa had to have a President and a board of officers. In 2005 the council elected the first President and a board. For the past years he has also been EfCCNa representative and treasurer in the European Specialist Nursing Organization, ESNO.

2008 Paul Fulbrook, Australia

Paul had a strong belief and a vision that by establishing a European federation of Critical Care Nursing associations it would make a difference for critical care nurses in Europe. In 1997 he arranged the first meeting, sponsored by Siemens Europe, where more than 20 representatives from critical care associations met in Rotterdam. Paul was the treasurer of the federation from 1999 – 2002. Since 2001, Paul has been a joint editor of Connect: Critical Care Nursing in Europe which in 2003 became the online journal Connect and the official journal of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses. Since he left the federation in 2002, he has participated in research projects, including the position statement on Family Witness Resuscitation. He is the leader of the E-LINK study.