About EfCCNa
EfCCNa - Studies
- Optimizing non-invasive mechanical ventilation: which unit should care for these patients (2016)
- Weaning from mechanical Ventilation
- End of Life (EoL) Care Study
- The EfCCNa Delphi Study on Research Priorities in Adult ICUs in Europe (2010)
- A survey of European intensive care nurses' knowledge level - the E-Link Study (2012)
The INDICATE Project
On December 2 2024, INDICATE has been officially launched, a pioneering European initiative designed to enhance data access and sharing between intensive care units across Europe.
INDICATE aims to advance patient-centered care and promoting ethically responsible data use and the development and implementation of trustworthy AI models.
In the coming years, we will collaborate with organizations across the European healthcare sector to improve patient outcomes and foster a data-driven approach to healthcare. Go to the INDICATE website for more information
Erasmus+ Project
- Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units (MICE-ICU) 2016 - 2018
EfCCNa as one of six strategic partners was involved in this EU project and contributed to the following results:
The EfCCNa Research Grants
These grants are aimed primarily at encouraging European research that focuses on critically ill patients, their relatives, or the staff and services that provide for them. more information...
see also Research Grant Holders