Mission Statements
Mission Statements
- To represent critical care nurses and critical care nursing within Europe
- To promote patient and relatives perspectives of the ICU experience
- To promote co-operation and collaboration between European critical care nurses
- To promote the art and science of critical care nursing across the European countries
- To improve the recognition of critical care nursing as a speciality in Europe
- To activly engage in influencing EU social and health care policy as the voice fo critical care nurses in Europe
- To cooperate with other groups of health care professionals, institutions, industry, agencies and charities who have a professional interest in the care of the critically ill
- To establish standards for education, practice and workforce management of critical care nursing
- To promote and further education, research and leadership incritical care nursing
EfCCNa Strategy until 2030 
EfCCNa Strategy until 2030 defines the federation’s direction and provides a framework for strategic thinking. It relies on all EfCCNa members (Board, Council representatives and member associations) to ensure its success. Seven Mission Statements are defined. Goals and objectives are written following each mission statement in order to explain how EfCCNa plans to achieve these missions.