New representative: Slovenian Association of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care & Transfusion by Nurses & Midwives

My name is Matej Mažič, I work at the Department of Perioperative Intensive Care Medicine. I have 22 years of experience working with the critically ill and I love this job very much. I am an ERC instructor on Advanced life support courses. European pediatric life support courses, ITLS instructor on ITLS advanced courses and pediatric courses, and Medical Respond to Major Incidents courses instructor. At the hospital, I am in charge of teaching resuscitation. I have also completed training for performing protection, rescue and assistance tasks with aircraft. As a teacher, I also teach at the Faculty of Health Sciences. I am also completing the doctoral study program by developing a thesis for a doctoral dissertation entitled Achieving tidal volumes when using mechanical devices for performing chest compressions during resuscitation. I am a secretary of Section of nurses and medical technicians in anesthesiology, intensive care and transfusion by Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia.
Matej follows Anton Justin, who hold this post for the last years.