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The PEAiCE Research Project

Physiotherapy Provision and Practice: An EuropeAn Intensive CarE Unit (ICU) Survey (PEAiCE).
The purpose of this research is to investigate current provision  and practice of physiotherapy within Intensive care units in European countries.
The research project is being conducted by Dr Agnieszka Lewko (Coventry University), Dr David McWilliams (University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust), Dr Sabrina Eggmann (Bern University Hospital) and Dr Peter Nydahl (University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein). You have been selected to take part in this questionnaire survey because you are a physiotherapist or another member of the clinical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) team in one of the European countries. 

The research was granted ethical approval by Coventry University’s Research Ethics Committee – project code P136453.
For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact the lead researchers  Dr Agnieszka Lewko or Dr David McWilliams
If you have any concerns that cannot be resolved through the lead researcher, please contact the group

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your help is very much appreciated.
Link to the survey