'Working together - Achieving more'
The European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations (EfCCNa) is a formal network of critical care nursing associations in Europe.
Founded in 1999 it currently has 34 national member associations that represent more than 25.000 European critical care nurses.
2025, during the 10th EfCCNa Congress in Bologna, Italy EfCCNa is going to celebrate its 25 jubilee with all attending members of the federation.
Since its inception the mission of the federation has been clear: to promote collaboration and equity among the national critical care member associations in order to improve nursing care of critically ill patients and their families.
EfCCNa provides a unique opportunity for European critical care nurses working as equal partners on the advancement of European critical care practice, education, management and research.
EfCCNa - the powerful and collective voice of critical care nurses in Europe.